name="negers" id=#000018 clienttag=SEXP type="one on one" option="normal" created="Fri Aug 08 16:50:05 GMT" started="Fri Aug 08 16:50:54 GMT" ended="Fri Aug 08 17:05:42 GMT" mapfile="The Lost Temple" mapauth="Ladder" mapsize=128x128 tileset="Badlands" joins=2 maxplayers=2 host= Shiar WIN rating=1168 [#00001] prob=72.8% K=50 adj=+13 avaeq LOSS rating=997 [#00002] prob=27.2% K=50 adj=-13 The Lost Temple 0 0x9dbe426c Terran The Lost Temple 0 0x72838cb7 Zerg Shiar's normal record is now 51/23/0 (10 draws) avaeq's normal record is now 11/40/1 (6 draws) Shiar's standard ladder record is now 18/2/3 (rating 1181 [#00001]) (2 draws) avaeq's standard ladder record is now 4/7/0 (rating 984 [#00002]) (1 draws) This game lasted 14 minutes (elapsed).